8 Rules You Must Follow To Increase Social Media Reach


Read this first: “The famous blog contributor Mr. X explains 8 rules you must follow in order to increase Social Media Reach. Tell us what you think. Leave a comment. Interested to know more about Mr. X’s insightful social media view? You can find him in Twitter. Don’t forget to follow Mr. X on Twitter @Mr.X”

What’s your idea about the above paragraph? It will surely make you curious about Mr. X, his blog and his page in Twitter, if you are a person interested in social media marketing. This is a simple example of social media reaching process. I am going to explain this in such an easy way; you could hardly miss to follow.

Before diving in the deep, I just want to mention what does Social Media Reaching means and why should you try to increase this? Social Media Presence is a highly effective lead generation device for your business. The best way of doing this is to generate a following – fans for your Facebook page, followers for your Twitter account and LinkedIn company page, etc.

Now, if you are ready to concentrate, I am starting:

Rule # 1:

Social Presence Optimization:

This is the most logical beginning. If you do not let people know about your presence, then what is the outcome of being? So, let the world know your presence and activities. You can do it by adding a clear description of your business, company logo, website URL in the profile of your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social networking accounts. You can also update your professional activities LinkedIn company status updates with appropriate keywords which will help optimizing your presence by search engines.

Rule # 2:

Try to promote your social presence everywhere in the World Wide Web:

Social networking websites allow you to do this. For instance, Twitter has a follow button for the visitors. You can tweet about the latest blog entry comes out on your site, your Facebook status can be about an event organized by your company, with photos. Even your E-mail address signature can provide a link of your website. You can also use the print media advertising, or E-mail marketing messages. Just make the proper utilization of the opportunities that the social media sites provide.

Rule # 3:

Quality content is a pre condition:

This is the key to increase social media reach. No matter how much you straggle to establish your presence everywhere in the web, all will fall if the quality is dull. Try to impress your visitors with effective and entertaining contents. Avoid excessive focus on products. Don’t use business languages. Rather use a very warm and friendly tone.

Rule # 4:

Show interest on your business counterparts:

You should keep your eyes open to the activities of the same people of your business area. Find them, follow them, and share your opinions with them. Gradually build a relationship with them. Sometimes retweet their contents and encourage them to do so. Thus enter to the circle. Follow back some of the followers. You can use tools like Tweet Grader (http://tweet.grader.com), Twitter Search, and Twellow to identify other Twitter users in your industry. You can also anticipate in Tweeter Chats with them.

Rule # 5:

Add Social Sharing Buttons to All Your Content:

Always encourage your fans and followers to share your content to their own networks. Make the task easy by adding social sharing buttons like “Tweet this”, “Share this on Facebook”, “Send this to a friend via E-mail” etc. This will enlarge your community. Again, if those people like it, they will share it again. Thus the cycle will remain open ended.

Rule # 6:

Keep Warm Interaction with Fans and Followers:

Let your friends and followers feel that they worth for you. Reply their comments, give feedback of their suggestions, and be engaged in discussions with them. Call them by name and highlight the personal relationship among you.

Rule # 7:

Plan for Exciting Offers for the New Fans/Followers:

 Researchers say that most of the people love to participate in contests and get exciting prizes from business pages. You can use it as a policy of increasing the size of your followers and fans. Create different Facebook and Twitter contests to make it a requirement for users to ‘like’ you in order to be eligible. Make it compulsory for them to follow you by following these simple tricks.


Rule # 8:

Create A Custom Facebook Landing Page:

You can do it to attract the first-time visitors of your Facebook page. Follow the below steps to do so:

  • Edit your page under “Manage Permissions”
  • Set the page as your Default Landing Tab”
  • Use the tab to encourage the new visitors to “like” you right of the bat.

So, these all are the essential rules to increase your social media presence. You should follow them if you want better results. Be patient to apply them, and you will certainly get positive feedbacks.

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