The real score from views of successful individuals: Blogging for your business


For some newbie entrepreneurs who probably heard that blogging should be the first move to market your business, well I think you need to evaluate carefully first your writing capabilities plus your willingness to dedicate a good deal of quality time for this task to take its full course.

Why not take your time reading this post and find the real score from the shared views of these 11 successful individuals, whether to blog or not to blog is really a good idea. Don’t waste your time procrastinating, here are some of their comments on blogging and if you still want to get more of their ideas, continue on the resource link below.

Here are 2 of the 11 ideas:


Blogging can be a great tool if the startup has a lot of education associated with it or has an audience that reads a lot of content of a longer form. However, blogging for a startup can be really bad if the team is way too busy, and is only opening a blog because they think they should. If no one really wants to write it, it will end up neglected.” The idea is from Caitlin McCabe (Founder of Real Bullets Branding)


My experience has been that because there are now millions of blogs, their impact has gone down significantly. If you enjoy blogging as a hobby, go at it. But as a business strategy, it will take a lot of energy and hours of your time before it can scratch the service of making an impact. There are so many other effective ways to grow your business. Why blog? This one is shared by Raoul Davis (CEO-Ascendant Group)”

Blogging tip advice:

Blogging is the most cost-effective tool to market yourself and your upcoming business plan. If you haven’t given this amazing opportunity a fair consideration, now is your chance to get started and be noticed on the web without breaking your budget. But, remember, for a content to cause viral effect online, it must have that conversational tone that will attract online users to read and share it to their circle of friends in the community.


If this kind of online marketing appeals to you, then, grab your pen and paper and start making your first draft. Practice makes perfect. Don’t get discouraged if you went blank, pause and get some inspirations. Soon you will master this craft and write like a pro.

Full eleven advises here:

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