5 Effective Guidelines: How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Managing your social media marketing can be quite challenging and even totally exhausting if you haven’t set your heart and mind in doing this responsibility. There are many suggested actions that any newbie marketer can do online and it’s up to your decisions where you will focus and apply your daily social media activities.

If you want to be more sure and in full control of your role as a social media manager, why not give this topic a careful reading and learn the 5 daily habits that will make your social media marketing tasks a lot easier and more fun in the long run.

Update all your social media accounts

The main role of a social media manager is to see to it that all the social media accounts you have like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest are opened daily and updated. Don’t just create an account that you leave for months with no activity at all.

Provide immediate response to any messages left by your followers

Some of those successful social profiles shared that by providing quick responses to any comments, views or feedback received from their followers created a certain connection. If you want to be recognized as a real and genuine person, dedicate some time making wise conversation on these following areas:

– Facebook messages

– Posts on your Facebook wall

– Tags of photos or Facebook status

– Direct messages posted at Twitter (DMs)

– Twitter “@” replies

Whether, it’s a positive or negative feedback, it would be a professional approach to always respond politely and in a timely manner.

Post interesting topics to spark a conversation

Be creative when it comes to updating your social profiles with contents. Think outside the box and dare to be different. When updating your profile, either to post a status or message, follow these ideas:

– Start by asking a compelling question

– Give your views to a recent hot topic or news circulating in the community

– Post an interesting picture or a quote for the day

– Share an inspirational story or blog

– Ask followers to give feedback regarding your special offers

As a final ending of your message updates, always encourage a direct action by stimulating a response or answer like using the statement “We love to hear your side, share your inner thoughts or comments”. Make your followers feel that they are there as part of your community.

Attract new followers

Another effective way to increase your number of real followers is go to Twitter and search those profiles with huge followers that are related to your industry and follow those individuals who are following them. The secret formula is to locate as many potential followers who may show greater interests to your offers and once you have found them, introduce yourself by sending direct messages and wait their responses.

Find for your company’s branded phrases

Lastly, your final task for the day on your social media accounts is to perform research for any of your company’s branded phrases like misspelled word or abbreviated terms that you can find associated with your company. These can be people mentioning your company’s name or brand but aren’t fully aware that you exists. What you can do is locate them and make an effort to start a wise conversation to impress them.

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Top advice:

Managing various social media accounts can be really stressful and draining sometimes, especially if you don’t have enough free time to update all these social profiles with fresh and relevant contents on a daily basis.

It would be best to create a detailed list of your expected daily goals or targets on any of your social profiles and exert an effort to strictly follow your set of social media activities. The bottom line of this topic is to take responsibility of being there and show your followers that you can be relied on in case they need some help or assistance.

If you can’t carry all the workload by yourself, there are many affordable freelance social media marketers who can cater to all your online marketing needs. Find the right person who can work alongside your marketing plan.

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