How To Get More Facebook Likes At Your Business Page?


How’s your Facebook fan page doing lately? Has it generated more Facebook likes in the past few days or performing poorly? Remember, creating a Facebook page for your business will not draw more followers if it doesn’t have any of these 10 easy steps, so make sure your efforts include them.

Create an impressive company/business Facebook page profile

The very first page that your online users will visit is your Facebook page. Don’t just create a page, but make sure you have the basics that will attract a visitor’s attention like having a catchy description of what your business can offer. Don’t forget to include your contact details, so that your members could easily access you whenever they need your support or advice. Give every online visitor the reason to like your page the moment they landed on your Facebook page.

Request your circle of friends, business associates and others within your group to like your Facebook page

Again, who else can you rely on this target and no other than your dear friends, business associates and other people belonging to your group whom you know personally and asking them that big favour to like your page would not be too much. Request them to like your page and ask them to invite others to visit your page and hit the “like” button.

Use Facebook’s social plugins

Another way for your visitors to easily locate your Facebook page is use Facebook’s social [plugins and put them on your website like the Like box plugin to increase the number of people liking your Facebook page. The plugins may include the “like” button, your latest post or even photos of some of your loyal followers.

Investigate what are the interests of your target crowd

Using the Graph Search of Facebook will help you investigate appropriately what are the general interests of your chosen group and once you discovered their individual likes, dislikes or behaviour, create posts which they will find useful and motivate more Facebook likes in the end.

Try using the Facebook ads

Facebook ads are also effective tools in generating more Facebook likes. The key is to make use of ads that will surely keep your target community’s level of interest. Conduct a series of tests which among your ads worked alongside your goals and intended group. Make sure your users can have quick access to like your page from your ads.

Hold a contest for increase Facebook likes

This action will entice more visitors not only to like your page, but also join your promotional gimmicks. If you want your contest to run smoothly, follow the rules set by Facebook management. For example, if you will hold a contest you must use a Facebook app where it gives you the chance to make a fan-gate and at the same time give those who liked you first the chance to join the contest. Lastly, see to it that your app is also mobile app friendly because many followers are mostly dependent on their mobile devices when doing Facebook activities, so the more your page is readily available for mobile users, the bigger percentage of your contest getting more users to grab this opportunity or share it with their friends.

Connect with other businesses

Another way to increase your Facebook likes is by connecting with other businesses’ pages. You can accomplish this goal by clicking on your “Edit Page” found in your Administration Panel and choose “Use Facebook as your page”. Look for businesses that you could like and interact. You can start by using the Graph Search and locate businesses, pages or places that are relevant to your business and like their pages.

Publish relevant content

Update your Facebook page with relevant contents. Publish only those posts which you feel will stir any user’s senses and create a buzz in the community of your chosen followers. Remember, the more interesting and engaging your published contents, more chances of them being liked and shared with their other friends that will later lead to more likes. Include that call-to-action move, either by asking a question at the end of your post, requesting your reader to like your post or share it with their circle of friends.

Be an active member

When was the last time you updated your Facebook page? To increase more likes, regularly show some activity on your Facebook page by posting interesting photos, sharing a post or simply updating your status. Determine the best time of the day to share a post and get real “likes” on that particular activity.

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Evaluate your efforts for improve Facebook Likes

Lastly, use Facebook insights to measure your efforts. Use this as a quick guide, the metrics on your page performance. After you learned where most of your followers came from or those new likes originated, you can now make necessary adjustments and enhance your posts.
Do you have any valuable insights on how to increase Facebook likes? Leave your feedback below. If by any chance you have been using the above steps, feel free to share which among them provided the best results or really worked for your type of business.

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