Six Lead Nurturing Tips to Help Your Business


Ask me first: What is “Lead Nurturing”?

I am happy to introduce you with Lead nurturing, which is a very important formula in the Email marketing policy of your business.

Researchers say that only 25% of your leads are sales-ready. You will be amazed to know that, another 50% of your leads are qualified enough but not ready to buy from you immediately. Lead nurturing does the job of converting your eligible clients into valuable customers. It’s all about building a consistent and meaningful communication with viable prospects regardless of their timing to buy. It’s not exactly following-up every time to find out if a prospect is ready to buy yet. Rather it is about building trusted relationships with those that are a fit for your solution.

How to Start Lead Nurturing?

Your next question should be: how to start this? Well, generally, lead nurturing program includes: a series of letters, emails, voicemails, case studies, success stories, articles, events, white papers, and web events that are meaningful to your potential customers. If you have made your mind to start with this policy, you must include these 6 types of Emails to help your potential customers to join the existing sale-ready group. Those who have already launched this lead nurturing formula, this article is a guide to them! It will help to improve your sale through Email marketing.

6 Lead Nurturing Tips to Help Your Business:

Instructive Emails:

First priority goes to Emails that educate. This can help you to build the initial level of relationship with your customers. You have to do a short research in order to be successful in this step. Keep your eyes open on your viable prospects. Identify their tastes, their field of interests, hobbies, and outlooks. You can get a clue from their social networking websites where they share their activities and interests. Now, build a link of their points of interests with your products and services. Your Emails should provide instructions focusing on those topics. Try to involve them with you gradually and include them on your sales cycle. Never show too much professionalism rather a helpful attitude.

 Connection is the vital issue:

Focus on how you can improve relevance and create higher connection rates. The more you are interconnected, the more you are increasing your chance of reaching your target. Now, how to do that? It’s simple! Use lead nurturing Emails to do that. Invite your customers to join your social networking pages like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter etc. Follow each other, get connected, encourage them to be a subscriber of your blog, and communicate everywhere possible!

Send Emails to Help Them for Lead Nurturing :

You know, people always like to receive helps and instructions to perform better in their lives and career. So, send Emails to help them to serve those purposes. As a case study of a particular person is always different from the other, chose different format to communicate with them. Remember, when your lead nurturing email is focused on helping people on their jobs, you’re focused on doing yours. So, be cordial! Try to create a position of trust and dependency on you and your business. This trustworthy relationship is able to convert them into your reliable customers.

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Emails with Exclusive Offers:

“Exciting Offers!”, “Exclusively for You!” these are the terms which help to get stuck your clients attention to your Emails. All the above mentioned tools are effective, but sometimes you need to attract your customers with providing offers for them. To do so, you have to be very careful about both your benefit and the customers’ interest. Neither send same offers to all, nor follow random selection process. Study the customers’ mind. Be clever. For instance, don’t immediately offer “Free Trial” to fresh potential customers, rather observe their site behavior, and nurture them with offers of their interests. Thus convert them into your customers.

Make them  Re-Engaged:

Some times it may happen that your sale prospect map is falling down, or you are not getting expected feedbacks from your customers in spite of your best efforts. Then, try to re-engage them. Follow the policy of “Walking in their shoes”. That is, consider the following concerns that are going through a potential customer’s mind before they make a buying decision:

How will this product/service help my company?

We are doing okay, why do we need it?

Is there another company out there that is better?

Will their solution really work? Can they prove it?

Is the company credible?

Can we afford it?

Your Email should provide them with satisfactory answers of these questions. You can also re-engage them by asking them for giving feedbacks and suggestions. Analyze the feedbacks and assure them that you are trying to improve. Sometimes you may need to weed out leads that would not fit for your business any more.


Personal Intimacy Building:

I know, it’s your business, and you must act professional. At the same time, it is also an effective business policy to overcome your professionalism. Personal interactions are more long lasting than business communications only. Automated nurturing Emails do not work for all. There are some sensitive customers, whom you have to handle with little bit personal care. Emails with personal addressing and friendly tone can help you to shorten your sale cycle.

These are the tips you must follow to achieve positive outcomes in Lead nurturing policy. Last but not the least; your content must be brief and unique. Short and consistent communication will help you to keep in the top of the mind of your targeted audience and convert them into potential customers.

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